Introduction to Custom ControlLogix Training
A good Custom ControlLogix Training class will use your own plant programs and schematics. Obviously, an instructor isn’t going to know everything there is to know about every system in your plant. However, they should be able to take the time to show the students how to find answers to their questions. Generally, the instructor can accomplish this by using schematics, and the ControlLogix projects from the plant.

ControlLogix Hardware
A training class typically starts with hardware. The instructor will introduce the students to the I/O modules, power supply, and processor. At this point, the instructor will show the students how to find this hardware on the plant schematics. The students will be able to see which field devices connect to the I/O modules.
An understanding of schematics is very important for troubleshooting. The students can trace the field wiring to the I/O modules. Additionally, the status lights will tell them if the program is calling for an output to energize. Likewise, if the ControlLogix system is getting an input signal.
At this point, if an output will not energize, they will be able to determine the next step in solving a problem. If the processor is calling for the output, then the problem is in the field devices. Later in the course, they will be able to locate the output in logic and trace through the program. They will find out why the output condition is not true.
Module Replacement
Students will learn how to replace modules during training. Some modules may require a firmware update. On the other hand, some modules might require more configuration. For example, a new Ethernet module needs an IP address. A replacement processor needs to have new firmware. Additionally, other modules such as the DHRIO will have switches. These need to be set properly when replacing modules.
ControlLogix Communication
Communication is important for troubleshooting. If the students cannot communicate, they cannot get online with the processor. Furthermore, if they cannot get online, it’s much harder to troubleshoot problems. While discussing communications, the students will configure RSLinx. They will set up drivers for the communication methods you use at your facility. They will learn how to verify communication. After that, they’ll learn how to go online with the processor using Studio 5000. At this point, students will learn how to back up RSLinx drivers. Your facility may have many devices. If drivers are deleted, it’s important to have backups.
Logic Instructions
Students must know basic logic instructions. These are the building blocks of every program. This includes basic relay instructions. Additionally, they will need to know the operation of timers. As they navigate the program, they will come across these instructions. This helps them to determine conditions that need to be present. (or not present). Students will need to determine what conditions causing improper operation.
Troubleshooting Tools
For Custom ControlLogix training, the instructor will use your own plant projects. This way the students are learning directly with what they need to know in the plant. When using your own program, the instructor will walk the students through program navigation. This includes cross referencing, and searching. Students will practice locating outputs in your project. At this point, they will navigate through the project. This allows them to determine which conditions are required for outputs to energize.
Additionally, they can use trend charts, and the quick watch window. This helps students track analog data and bit transitions. Furthermore, they will learn to use counters for trapping bits. For example, if they need to know if an alarm occurred off shift, they can just use a counter.
To summarize, custom ControlLogix training will give students the knowledge they need. This helps them to troubleshoot the problems they encounter. The training is based on projects they are familiar with. Students will be able to see how everything they learn applies directly to what they need to know. Generic classes do provide knowledge. Customized classes show them how to use the knowledge. Students will learn easier if they are familiar with the examples in class. Additionally, they will retain knowledge longer.
— Ricky Bryce