How to Stop Drinking with Naltrexone
In this post, I’ll talk about how to Stop Drinking with Naltrexone. This is a deviation from the normal posts about automation. However, if you are drinking, it is difficult to get your automation projects finished. In my case, I didn’t want to get much done at all. Not only does alcohol kill your desire to finish projects, but it also takes away financial resources. This is money that you can use to stock your shop. This is a story of how I stopped drinking with just ONE pill on ONE day.
My Drinking History
I never considered myself an alcoholic for many years. Slowly, I began to drink more and more. Eventually, I was drinking every day. To save money, I would make my own beer, and wine. I quickly discovered that an unlimited supply of alcohol was not good. I began to drink more and more, and eventually, had hangovers every day. In my mind, the cure for the hangover was to drink more alcohol. This caused hangovers the next day. I was in an endless loop.
Methods I Tried
I tried to simply stop cold. How hard can it be? The problem is will power. The longer I would go without drinking, the more I desired a glass of wine. As soon as I would have the first glass of alcohol, the process started all over again. I did some research and found that some have had success with Kudzu. On the other hand, some have used a drug called an-abuse. An-abuse makes you violently ill if you drink alcohol. Although you might obtain from alcohol, the desire is still there. I eventually found myself drinking excessively as an attempt to feel normal. I tried to do other things such as camping to take my mind off the alcohol. Indeed, my effort failed.

How to Kill the Desire to Drink
In this case, I just wanted to drink. I liked the feeling. It was as simple as that. Obviously, I didn’t like the effects the next day though. Through some research, I came across a pill called “Naltrexone”. This looked promising. For this reason, I talked to my doctor. He prescribed a 90 day supply. I only had to use one.
The First Day of Naltrexone
Of course, I didn’t know what effect naltrexone might have on my body. For this reason, I only took half of a pill. After an hour, I bought some vodka. I had six drinks. Later that day, I still felt the desire to have alcohol. I took another half pill, and waited an hour. This time, I had four more drinks. I felt sober, but could tell the alcohol was affecting the way I walk and move.
The Second Day — After Naltrexone
Once I woke up, I obviously was hung over from the day before. I wanted to go back to the old cure — drinking more alcohol. I picked up what was left in the bottle. There was a big difference this time. As I looked at the bottle, I started to feel ill. I felt like I simply could not choke the alcohol down. No matter how much I wanted the alcohol, my body simply told me “No”. I suffered a little that day. I felt I could not take the only thing that could help me. That was alcohol.
The Third Day — After Naltrexone
I was feeling a little better the third day, however, I felt my body had no control over it’s own temperature. I felt hot. At the same time I felt cold. Furthermore, my hands were shaky. I felt nervous, and paranoid from the lack of alcohol. Still, I still had the same problem though. I just felt that I could not choke any alcohol down.
The Weeks after Naltrexone
Keep in mind, that in my case I only had one pill. Half in the morning, and half in the afternoon. In the following weeks, there were still temptations for alcohol. However, once I stopped to think about it, I realized I did not want it. I started to feel better each day. Likewise, I had more energy each day.
The Months after Naltrexone
Over the next few months, the times of temptation to drink were few and far between. When I would think about alcohol, I still had no desire to consume it. In fact, the more I thought about it, the less desirable it was. I began to get more projects done, was happier, and alcohol free.
It’s been almost 3 years now since I’ve had a drink, and even though, I still have the two drinks leftover from my last bottle, it’s still there. Whenever I feel the urge to drink, I just look at that bottle. All desire is gone, and I even start to feel sick if I look at it too long. I don’t want to touch alcohol, see it or smell it. I kept praying that the desire would stay away. God certainly deserves the credit here for giving men wisdom to develop the medication, and helping me keep away temptation.
Although this method worked for me, it might not work for everyone. Also, realize, that most people will require more tablets, and a lot more patience. Many refer to this method as the “Sinclair Method”. You can read more about it here. It’s designed to remove the desire to drink in the first place. It works by blocking your receptors that cause enjoyment from alcohol. Most people can still drink somewhat without becoming violently ill, but always take a pill about an hour before you drink. Eventually, the desire subsides, and you can finally be alcohol free! Hopefully, you too can stop drinking with Naltrexone.
— Ricky Bryce